Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Well I've had a pretty good couple of days, let me tell you. I went and priced and measured everything at IKEA, then got depressed as I realised I can't afford to buy anything for ages... and I so want to buy some nice stuff for this place. All in good time I guess... I ditched the gym as I couldn't be bothered, so I did what I often do in these sort of situations... I cooked! Made roast lamb with potatoes dauphinois and felt better. Garry and I had a slobby evening in front of the telly and then I had a really good night's sleep. Today was a good day. Up and had healthy brekky. Tidied and sorted room and took laundry to be washed. There's a communal machine here but I needed the time! Went and bought some bits, some food and then hit the gym. Finally. For the first time since September! Yippee. Felt good about that. Came home and went and picked up some Harbour Party tickets for Paul and Alan, then came home and cooked again. Just call me Nigella Smith-Oliver. Loads of roasted veggies and pasta, and then went the whole hog and made some feta cheese and rosemary bread. Fabulous! I guess this means I'm feeling very settled in my new home. Gotta love that. Darryl arrives on Monday too, which is going to be fantastic. Just hope all the days off I requested from work have come through OK. Will know more tomorrow...

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