Friday, December 23, 2005

Twas two days before Xmas and all through the office,
Nothing was stirring.. not even can't think of anything to rhyme!

Winding down now to 2 whole weeks off. I can't wait! Neither Craig nor I have had any time off since May, so it's long overdue. We're going to eat well, gym, go to the beach, do odd jobs around the house and generally just relax. We've got a relatively quiet Xmas and Boxing Day, and then may head up the coast to Newcastle for a couple of days. Then we'll do the big NYE party - this year called Fantasy. That'll get us into 2006 - and then best of all, we're not back at work until 9Jan. Woohoo!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a minkered New Year! x

Friday, December 16, 2005

A second post for December - surely not? And we're only just half way through the month.

Having said that, there's not a great deal to report again. Still not going out a great deal; still trying to gym; movies; the odd meal out; DVDs etc. Cheap is good. The work Christmas party was OK - the crown green bowling was fun. I was fine in theory but not quite as good in practice sadly...

Not much on for this weekend, save drinks tomorrow night and a meal. So looking forward to having two weeks off - I finish work on 23Dec and don't go back until 9Jan... Joy!

More soon...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Well this will at least make sure I post at least something for December. That makes one a month since July. Go Davie!

Er, yes. Reportage: actually same old stuff which is good. Not so much going out; gym stuff on a semi-regular basis; eating out a bit; catching up with some friends; movies; DVDs and generally doing things that don't cost a great deal of cash!

We did go out with Craig's workmates for Marilyn's birthday. We did head over to Tamarama for Gary's birthday beers and pizza. I did get horribly hungover from drinking too much at my work department do - and it's the bigger full on one on Saturday. We're going crown green bowling which should be fun. I'll let you know how I get on. Until then, presume not much has changed...