Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And lo, it came to pass that another month went by and I verily did not blog...

Bugger. Happy New Year, and it now seems too late to review 2007. Let's just say it started badly; plateaued in the middle and somehow became incredible in the last 4-5 months :o)

January consisted mostly of watching tennis and it being too hot to do much else. I resisted the gym, but did end up eating more healthily. I had 4 days in Melbourne staying with my mate Rich which was great, and went to see the tennis live which was very cool. Then it's been back to Muz's birthday celebrations leading straight into work.

Day 3 of term tomorrow, the second with kids. So far my class seems pretty cool though we've not finalised final numbers yet. I'm actually heading to bed as I'm tired - it's pretty tough having to be 'on' for the entire school day - particularly kindergarten when they need help and instruction with absolutely everything. Fun and rewarding though...

More soon. Really. No, really.