Thursday, June 07, 2007

Woah! So almost 9 months goes by... and I wonder what the hell's been happening. You probably do too, if you're still reading.

So. What news? Well - since September there's been a lot happening. In summary:

Craig and I split up in March which is sad. However we're still friends and still living together as landlord/lodger (me lodging - Craig bought the house).
Dax our staffy is as beautiful as ever and will be 5 in August.
I have one assignment left before I have completed the Bachelor part of my two year Masters of Primary school teaching. Just waiting to see where I have my 9 week internship starting mid-July.
I hit the UK for three weeks holiday 20June-11July. I'm in London 23-26June and 2-10July. Prepare to catch up for beers and shenanigans.

In fact that will do for the first update in all this time. More soon - but look out people in Blighty... I'm on the way!

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