Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's a couple of weeks since the half marathon, but I can't say that I'm settled back into any sort of routine. It's halfway through term 2 at school, and I should be working on my term 2 program and/or reports. However I'm having an afternoon and now night when I'm feeling very sorry for myself and thinking a lot about what might have been. I know it's not productive, and that I have a lot to be thankful for, but I currently seem to feel like everything's against me and that there must be something about me that makes sure that people don't hang around too long in relationships. Normally these sort of moods don't last too long, so I'll be back to normal probably by tomorrow. I had a really good weekend last weekend, going out and about on the scene and having a good time. It's on days like these though that I realise that last weekend wasn't reality... and reality isn't half as much fun. Although it's great for some escapism, we all have to get back to living our everyday lives eventually. It's on days like these that it feels like I don't like my everyday life too much.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

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