Saturday, July 12, 2008

Well, well, well.

What's to say? Lots and nothing seem to have happened all at once. Discounting the last iTunes post, it's been about six weeks since I posted proper. I'm currently half way through the school holidays (which is great), but battling a cough and cold (which isn't).

So. Although alluded to I didn't actually say that Muz and me are now just mates. It's been really hard - in some ways more so in that we're still hanging out a lot. However the way I figure it is that he's a great bloke and should be in my life. I think some people think I should distance myself but...

School. Reports are finished, though we've got parent/teacher interviews coming up next term. The school year is half way through and at times I still feel like I've no idea what I'm doing! Still it is my first full year and I'm very much in learning mode. At the end of this term I may well have to start looking for full time work as I'm on a year's contract at my current school and not sure yet whether my contract will be renewed - it's maternity leave cover and I know the teacher is returning. It'll depend also on the numbers of intakes for the school etc. I've told the new head that I'd love to stay, so let's see what happens...

In other news, I've gone east (wonder if life isn't peaceful there?). Lately I've not been enjoying living around Newtown so started to think about moving elsewhere. I can't buy just yet as I've not been working full time long enough to get a mortgage easily, so I looked around at renting again. Some of my disatisfaction with Newtown is that 1) the pubs have gone and 2) it feels sleazy and seedy in a not good way. It's hard to qualify that I know, but that's how it feels. Much as I often hated the Newtown Hotel it was a place to congregate and have beer, play pinball or pool and occasionally watch the awful shows. Now it's gone, and the Imperial too, no one seems to know what to do or where to go. The Bank tries its best, but it's not the same.

Anyhoo, I digress. Most of the people I tend to hang out with live east and so it seemed the natural choice. I'm now in Potts Point, right down near the naval base (!) in a lovely one bedroom apartment that already feels more homely than the place in Alice Street. I loved sharing a place with Julia, my niece. I am going to miss her very much when she leaves to go back to the UK and hope as much as she does that she manages to get back here pronto.

It is a bit weird saying that I'm moving out of Newtown because it feels sleazy and then essentially moving to Kings Cross, but the sleaze factor here seems healthier somehow. Or more fun. Or something. But it really feels good to be back here. I've lived here before and when I first moved to Sydney some 10 years ago now, I lived just down the road in Darlinghurst. This feels like my "hood". I'm looking forward to more nights in; healthier home cooking; DVD nights with mates (I've already started Twin Peaks with Bobby); Wii-ing with Muz; running down by Woolloomooloo, into the Domain and round to the Opera House - how spectacular to have that on my doorstep; and generally just settling down again. I've taken a 9 month lease on the apartment and will look to buy a place after that assuming I've got a job. Watch this space.

OK. Think it's time to sign off and go and enjoy the winter sunshine. It's currently only about 8C, but with Sydney's blue sky and bright sunshine it's still a joy to live on this side of the planet.

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