Tuesday, August 26, 2003

I can't believe that it's two weeks exactly since I blogged. Two whole weeks. And I've no idea what I did in that time at all either. Now that's kind of scary. (Takes minute to try and write down what's happened in the last two weeks to try and put it down on here in some semblance of order).

Ok - back on track a little. It would seem I did the following:

Tue - where I left you. Nothing much to report. Probably gymmed and then vegged in Newtown.
Wed - Did Gym in the morning with Liz. Worked. Dinner with Tony at Peasant's Feast which was lovely. Nice to catch up with him again properly.
Thu - work. I'm kind of skipping over work on here at the moment, but apart from the dull systems testing I'm actually really getting in to it at the moment and enjoying myself! What's that about? Thu night was a ten-pin bowling night with work, which ended up being a lot of fun. We didn't win, but after a pretty poor starting game (94) I came good with a second game of 147! Had had a few beers by then so got a lift home and vegged. Fun.
Fri - work. Can't remember doing anything. Think I had an early night! Or maybe Carlo. Who can say?
Sat - was meant to be meeting Pete for an early brekky before soliciting. Er... anyway, the trains were out between Newtown and town and so I walked. And got a bit lost. Managed to arrive in time for coffee, but not in time for full brekky, which we had post soliciting. At the Dank St depot, of which we'd had good reports - however it turned out to be overpriced and full of ex boyfriends. Vile. Eventually back to Newtown before heading to David and Jason's for Craig's birthday party. Chatted to Adrian and Shane and mostly Tim and Ross. I was happily imbibing the punch, not realised it wasn't as tame as it purported... down to Manacle just because. Chatted to Brendan who's a friend of a friend, and then to two friends of his - Stuart and Enda. Stuart is a bit of a gorgeous daddy, so obviously I hated that. Down to the Phoenix and suddenly it was 5am and I was on the way home. Without my jacket I found out later. How out of it was I exactly?
Sun - sleeeeeeeep. Lazy brekky down at the Chocolate Dog and then coz of the no trains thing decided I couldn't be bothered to go anywhere really. I watched a DVD of some description (probably) and just vegged out. Then I got invited to dinner by an acquaintance in Newtown which was perfect. We had pasta with chorizo and artichokes and watched Barbarella. Had never realised just how camp that film is before. Fun. And the post-Barbarella entertainment was fun too...
Mon - to work. That night was a run around... into town to pick up and get a prescription filled, back to Newt, back to Central and then to Gary's to watch 28 Days Later... If you haven't seen it do so - it's not out here for another couple of weeks, but I gather it's been out in England already (from where Gary got the DVD). Part The Stand by Stephen King; part Lord of the Flies by William Golding - it's written by Alex 'The Beach' Garland and directed by Danny 'Trainspotting' Boyle. The result is a powerful horror movie, heigtened in its effect by weird colorisation and camera angles. And decent performances too. Go see.
Tue - Sytems testing is dull again. Discuss again. I got slightly irate as there wasn't much for me to do and no-one seemed particularly interested in finding stuff for me. I finally did some stuff, helped by a gym break in which I ran for 7½K. Joy. Quiet night in.
Wed - worked, with my gym fitness assessment at lunch. I'm pretty fit apparently. Let's see what Josh (my trainer) has in store for me over the next few weeks. Can't remember if I did anything that night. I think not.
Thu - work. Gym day 1 - chest and biceps. Ouch. Dinner that night round at Steve and Anthony's with Rich and Russ. Nice to catch up with everyone again for the first time in ages.
Fri - work. Gym day 2 - legs and abs. Ouch again. Home. Veg. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. Sleeeeeeep early.
Sat - slept in a bit and had brekky in for a change. Out and got haircut, new gym shoes ($250 - how much!?!) and had coffee with R'n'R. Back to Newt and finally met up with Gary to hit the Newtown for beers. We were joined by Craig, Aaron, Paul and someone else, and then R'n'R. The original plan was to hit the Imperial for a Newt night out, but for some reason at midnight me and R'n'R ended up at the Phoenix. Then Arq. Oops. How did that happen? A nice young guy called Matt gave me a lift home... The first time in ages that I've had a big impromtu night out and it was so much fun. Lovely to be out with Rich and Russ properly again.
Sun - went to sleep around 9.30am! Yikes. Woke at 2pm. Watched Final Fantasty on DVD then finally hit Rich and Russ's for pizza and pepsi and relax. Home and sleep.
Mon - early to work. Gym day 3 - back and triceps. Ouch x3. Home with half a chicken. Er... early bed after the Simpsons when Homer moves in with some gay guys. Very funny indeed.
Today - also early to work. Gym day 4 - shoulders and abs again. Ouch and a thousand times ouch. That's it. Have finished all I'm going to do for the day and so I thought I'd just get this up to date before heading off. I don't think I have a problem with that. I'm going to tidy the apartment as Mark and Carsten arrive home in the morning. Vacuum the cat. That sort of thing. Now, what can I eat??

More news as it happens!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

When puss comes to shove...

Tuesday again. And blogging again, though this time no dull systems testing. Was meant to be, but it was cancelled as they had nothing for me to do this morning. So a normal day. Got quite a bit done too. Yay for me. Okay, here's the week in retrospect:
Tuesday - was meant to gym but ended up at Brumby and tried to update some PC stuff. It took forever! Home, takeaway and chill out. It seems to be my only night in! What's on the telly? Rubbish probably. Aussie telly is crap. Discuss
Wednesday - up early for Liz. Got a call to say she'd done her back in so gymmed anyway - how good am I? Into work. Lunch with Allan and the very lovely Andrew (woof!). The idea is forming about working out at the gym near here lunchtimes instead of the one nearer home. Upside? All done by the time I get home, a break in the day and possibly Andrew as a training partner :o) Downside? Nowhere to work out if I get that weekend urge. Though I could always run in the park. I'll go and do some rates investigation later in the week... I have no idea what I did in the evening time, but I'm sure it was wonderful. Probably an early night as I was having cat slight allergy dramas. The cat is lovely but like a dog in its need of affection. Couple that with red and sore eyes and it's not the best of scenarios. Weirdly one week on I'm OK - maybe it wasn't puss at all, but I'm keeping more of a distance (not completely though) and washing my hands a lot. Just call me Lady Macbeth. A couple of people suggested not feeding puss or even (shock) maiming her! I couldn't do that. After all, there's more than one way to skin a cat... (now there's a hypoallergenic thought!!)
Thursday - work. Nipped into city for a couple of things and then impromptu beers with Dave. And then Brett. And then Pete. And Al was upstairs too. Pizza with Pete and then home.
Friday - work. Gym. Movies at Fox Studios - Terminator 3. I enjoyed it. Much like the others. Clare Danes I have a soft spot for. Fun! To Manacle with Des - caught up with Steve, Andrew B, Rod and a few others besides.
Saturday - had an impromptu brekky with a chap called Rich. Noice. Fun. Lots of talk about Wacky Races and stuff :o) Then I finally made it to the Bonds Warehouse in Sydenham to buy t-shirts, underwear etc. Gym. Lite beers with the lovely Graham - sexy doctor from Brisbane that I met in November who just happened to be down for the weekend. He really is so sexy!! Oxford, Colombian, back to Graham's hotel. The three of us :o) Home and toast at 1.30am. Bed by 2am.
Sunday - up at 7.45am, realising that Saturday night's shenanigans really wasn't the best preparation for running 14K in the City to Surf race with 59999 other people. Made it all on time to meet Allan and Ian and this year we all started from the front pack. The not eating on Saturday night was the biggest mistake - my body having no fuel to cope with the first half of the race. The last half was better as I'd had brekky which kicked in to help. I had to stop twice in the first 4K though, which isn't right! I still did 73'22" which was about 4 mins faster than last year, but left rueing the chance of probably going under 70' had I thought with my head and not my...
Later Sunday - post race we adjourned to the pub and had beers. Then Una's with Al and Ian and to the Tilbury. Not really my cup of tea. Home. Rang Dad and got Karen. Dad's broken his arm and is in the local nursing home which is a bit of a worry. Bed and sleep by about 9pm.
Monday - work. Newtown. Over to Mark's for the final Buffy ever!! We had pizza and beer and all things Buffy. We had last week's to watch too and then there was a documentary to follow so I finally got home and into bed around 1am. It was weird with Buffy ending - it's been a great thing to have to look forward to every Monday night, catching up with our own Scooby Gang. Whatever will we do instead?
Today - up at 6.45am. Into work early. This now means it's almost time to go home.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Tuesday. Doing some systems testing that really couldn't be any duller. No really. Friday night was to Bondi for Kerry's birthday meal. It was OK, but I was so tired... but not tired enough to say no when Carlo texted me asking to catch up. He left some time around 12.30am. Boy did I sleep!
Saturday was lazy. The cat let me sleep in and I eventually went for the most gorgeous walk in the glorious winter sun - 21C. To the Chocolate Dog for sweet potato and coconut pancakes with sweet chilli sauce, bacon and some sweet potato crisps. And coffee. Yum. Trolled up and down King Street - found a nice park amongst the back streets and just felt enervated by the sunshine. Was meant to be going out to someone's housewarming later that night. Decided I couldn't be bothered. Felt anti-social for some reason, though I did actually get as far as the house, rang the bell but when no-one answered I turned on my heels and walked back to the apartment! The party hadn't seemed very busy and I didn't feel like talking to strangers. However, that didn't stop me hitting the pub, where I bumped into several disparate people I know all there for someone's birthday which was odd. I had no idea those people all knew each other! Down to the Imperial but was over it almost on arrival. Home to bed.
Sunday was much the same as Saturday - at least brekky was identical! I then went over to the Green Park with Pete and Crusty, and then to Rich and Russ's for Sunday roast. Noice. Briefly to the Shift after lots of wine made me think it might be enjoyable. Our survey said? Unh-hunh. Home.
Monday was a Qantas holiday, but we needed skeleton staff so I volunteered to work, having had last Monday off for Bad Dog. I do get a day and a half in lieu which is better for me. Yay. Slobbed at home with the cat. Food. Bed. Buffy. Bad sleep.
Systems testing. Dull. Hoping to gym tonight and again in the morning. Let's see how I do!

Friday, August 01, 2003

It's August already. Well who'd have thought it. And over a week since I last blogged - sadly that's more believable these days. I've managed to cram some stuff into the last week and a day - most of it good too!

Friday - as far as I can remember I had an early night after the gym.
Saturday - Pete and I spent most of the day doing brekky and looking for Bad Dog costumes. Well I did. Dinner that night round at Gary's with Peter, Pete, Rich and Russ - then on to the Shift and the Phoenix and the Shift again. Both me and Pete suffered a bit - not good in the Phoenix. We recovered to party on however... Back to mine around 7am - doh. Sleep.
Sunday - up at 10.30am to finish the convict's outfit - pics to come. Nice ball and chain. So I'm told. Over to Dave's to help him fix his outfit then to Waverley. Bad Dog does the business again. However we seemed to arrive, have a beer or two, have a few chats and a dance and it was all over! Down the the Phoenix again. Nice dance with a guy called Tim. Up to Arq but by then I was over it. Home and sleep.
Monday - off work, but was only fit for bacon and eggs, tea and Buffy. Then over to Mark's for more Buffy with him and Megan - the others cried off. Home at midnight - exhausted!!
Tuesday - work and then an impromptu visit to Gary's.
Wednesday - up for gym then work. Home and moved to Newtown. Installed myself in the flat, made friends with the cat, bought takeaway and vegged out. Bliss.
Thursday - slept badly. Grrr. Into work. Pete came to Newtown - food and a quick beer. Bed.
Friday - slept badly again. Grrr again. Into work again. Out tonight for Kerry's birthday meal in Bondi. Then sleep. Please...

More from the weekend as it happens. Only other news: the owners of the current apartment want to sell it. This could make things tricky re moving out early to move into the new house - I think I may get stitched up and have to pay until the end of the lease - that so wasn't the plan!

It's August already. Well who'd have thought it. And over a week since I last blogged - sadly that's more believable these days. I've managed to cram some stuff into the last week and a day - most of it good too!

Friday - as far as I can remember I had an early night after the gym.
Saturday - Pete and I spent most of the day doing brekky and looking for Bad Dog costumes. Well I did. Dinner that night round at Gary's with Peter, Pete, Rich and Russ - then on to the Shift and the Phoenix and the Shift again. Both me and Pete suffered a bit - not good in the Phoenix. We recovered to party on however... Back to mine around 7am - doh. Sleep.
Sunday - up at 10.30am to finish the convict's outfit - pics to come. Nice ball and chain. So I'm told. Over to Dave's to help him fix his outfit then to Waverley. Bad Dog does the business again. However we seemed to arrive, have a beer or two, have a few chats and a dance and it was all over! Down the the Phoenix again. Nice dance with a guy called Tim. Up to Arq but by then I was over it. Home and sleep.
Monday - off work, but was only fit for bacon and eggs, tea and Buffy. Then over to Mark's for more Buffy with him and Megan - the others cried off. Home at midnight - exhausted!!
Tuesday - work and then an impromptu visit to Gary's.
Wednesday - up for gym then work. Home and moved to Newtown. Installed myself in the flat, made friends with the cat, bought takeaway and vegged out. Bliss.
Thursday - slept badly. Grrr. Into work. Pete came to Newtown - food and a quick beer. Bed.
Friday - slept badly again. Grrr again. Into work again. Out tonight for Kerry's birthday meal in Bondi. Then sleep. Please...

More from the weekend as it happens. Only other news: the owners of the current apartment want to sell it. This could make things tricky re moving out early to move into the new house - I think I may get stitched up and have to pay until the end of the lease - that so wasn't the plan!
