Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Wednesday week she loved me. Wednesday week never happened at all...

Dull, duller, dullest. Having the greatest of difficulty getting back into the swing of things since holidaying in the mother country. It's no great desire to come back - not at all, but more of a general fuck-you to all things routine and mundane. Bored of work, bored of things outside of work, no cash, no enthusiasm. I can only seem to find the energy to sit around and discuss how dull I'm finding everything. It'll pass. I'll kick myself out of it very soon.

Meantime, things trundle on in limbo.
Monday - dull day at work plus suffering the weekend's excesses. Food at home; PC play; attempt to re-mix the music files I'd lost; anger when I couldn't; read; sleep.
Tuesday - dull day at work plus still suffering the weekend's excesses. Food at home; beers with Gary on the strip; home; PC play; attempt to re-mix the music files I'd lost; partial success; read; sleep.
Wednesday - dull day at work so far. Plans to tidy the flat (the owner's coming for an inspection tomorrow); food at home; PC play; yada yada yada.

Bored. Listless (and you never normally find me without a list). I need to get back at the gym, and going on Saturday for the official relaunch. Catching up with people over the weekened and hoping to fit the beach and a game of tennis in there. Things could be worse I guess.

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