Monday, June 25, 2001

Minker a go-go. Currently recovering from a night well minkered, I'm going to post something up quickly and then come back to this later when I've actually got my head round all that I have to do in the next 54 hours. Er, yes, that's all until I'm at the airport. Ay caramba.

Firstly though, thanks to everyone for making yesterday's send off such a good one. I had the most fantastic time as I think those of you that saw me will probably bear witness to! The drinks party at the old flat was a laugh and the Tavern, in its first proper summer night guise was great and I actually spent more time outside than in. Can't believe it's my last time! Managed to hold the emotion in check though... but not sure how.

Secondly thanks to all those who brought cards and pressies and so on. Serious or jokey, they were all appreciated. And thanks for signing my book - it's still unread at the old flat for the moment - not sure when's the best time to read it! Maybe my first Sunday afternoon in Oz...

Finally, thanks to all the blog blokes - David, Jon, Ian, Rob and Scally (links to the left, I can't be arsed!). They have clubbed together and bought me Also, Scally's been busy creating a whole new look to start it off - thanks to all of you guys, it's great and such a brilliant idea. Oh what fun we'll have... once I've stopped laughing at the opening animation!

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