Thursday, November 27, 2003

Time for a very quick minker. A quinker, indeed. So far, week has been as hoped - nothing Monday night. No gym Tuesday as on a very interesting course to do with Qantas' management of future incidents. Basically I've volunteered to help out if (god forbid) there were to be a Qantas crash, or another incident like Bali where Qantas helped out. I'm on the team that organises the team of Qantas volunteers. Still with me? Good. Interesting stuff. Hopefully all we'll actually get to do is some trial runs...
Tuesday night was a very quick drink with Gary for his birthday and then Aaron joined me at the Colombian before we'd had enough and went and vegged out. Yesterday was more of the same, though we did get the home phone reconnected so I can email, blog and chat with overseas mates again. Woohoo! Peter the gym trainer (yes, another Peter) made me do shoulders and legs, and advised me that I might have trouble walking today (leave it...!). Well earlier was OK, but I can now feel everything tightening up (leave that alone too!). Not sure what tonight will bring - hoping to catch up with Pete (house Pete). Right, almost 6pm - time to leave work. Yay!!

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