Friday, September 13, 2002

Friday lunchtime at work. Still madly busy, so here's a very quick update.

Wednesday night caught up with Michael for dinner, having worked myself into a lather by 8pm when he didn't call to confirm. I rang him and he'd forgotten! Great. Anyway we did catch up and it was OK, though a little forced. I think I'd benefit from not seeing him for a while and I think that'll happen as he's in Melbourne this weekend and then I am next weekend, so a chance to take stock.

Yesterday work went mad as previously described and so I didn't get home until almost 7pm. It wouldn't have done me any good to get home earlier anyway, having left my keys my jeans pocket on the floor of my bedroom - doh! Forced myself to the gym and then came home and ate and played on the net until bed. Rich is coming over to dinner tonight as Russ has to work until 10pm and that's about the extent of the weekend plans to date. What else was I going to blog the other morning? Ah yes... a couple of throw away things.

When I log into my PC at work, it comes up with the message 'Reading tree information'. I half expect it to come back and say that I'm out of mine.

Electronic music - good for the brain when it's in over-analytical mode. Well it works for me - the more white noise the better. Sometimes. To that end I bought the Bomfunk MC's album In Stereo. It's perfect for letting your ears be assaulted. I was always a fan of Freestyler - I used to groove around the offices at Chrysalis doing very strange dances to it, much to the amusement of Amanda in particular I seem to remember. Anyway, suffices to say it's great - if you break it down it's kind of awful, but at the same time it works. Anyway - it'll be staying on my discman a while...

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