Thursday, October 31, 2002

Tuesday did more carpet cleaning via town to buy an aerial extension (why you need to know that...). Forced myself to gym and then home to pizza. Doh! (That's pizza, doh! not pizza dough.)
Yesterday worked hard through the day then into town to try and buy a gym ball to be my new computer chair chez Brumby. However I don't quite know which size I want. Hit HMV to buy music and walked home with Rich. Dragged him to see the new place and then to dinner with Adrian and Michael. $5 steak. Yum. Then to the Oxford. A few familiar faces (Andrew, Max and Gary, Rod, Howie...) and lots of unfamiliar ones. The Games crowd were out in earnest - the Finnish swimmers, the Berlin Rowers, some English swimmers, some Canadian something or other... how awful for us :o) I dragged myself home at 11.30pm.
Up early to be ready for Jon and Mark arriving. They did and we had coffee at local café before work. How civilised. They bought me Out and About and the new Soft Cell album. How stoked am I? Been listening to them all day at work. Currently still here now at 5.40pm but heading home. Should I gym? I should, but...
Meeting Tess from Uni for dinner and then a few drinks no doubt. Let the games begin!

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