Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Snuggle. Cuddle. Snoggle. Think I just made that last word up. Adrian very kindly let me sleep a bit later as him and Fred cleared up. More snoggling. Think I like that word. I finally got home at 6pm. Showered and changed and back into town for Andy's birthday drinks. Ay caramba. Lots of people out, including Richard from Thursday and Darren, who was minker majeure as it was also his birthday. Me, Garry, Andy, Tony, Adrian, Ed and the other guy who's name always escapes me nipped out for a quick bite at Saigon Palace and then down to the Shift. A few nice people there. Martin from last week. Garth. Lots of singing and drinking had by all. Stevie P called in the midst of it all. Ended up heading off to find a taxi around midnight. Well deserved and needed sleep!

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