Friday, July 06, 2001

The apartment is taking shape, though slowly. Can't wait to get the TV and, more importantly, the CD player back from Ian's this weekend. Only when I can dance round the living room in my underwear will it really feel like home...

Bought 'Bubbles' the vacuum cleaner yesterday. We are very happy together. Went out for beers with Garry (2 'R's) and Mat (1 'T') last night at the Oxford - fun, though I got incredibly drunk incredibly quickly. Had to leave around 9.45pm before I fell over. Bed by about 10.15pm and didn't wake until 9.30am. Have pottered (tea, muffins, the odd phone call) and am now going back to the flat to sort through more stuff. Today's agenda:
Empty 2 tea chests full of CDs
Re-assemble bed for second bedroom
Fully clean kitchen
Unpack completely
Take washing to laundry
Etc. etc.

It's my last weekend of freedom before work starts in earnest on Monday. Oddly the most minkering thing I feel like doing is having a couple of quiet beers. Having an early brekky with Ian in the morning, pre-IKEA. Charlie has invited me to a party at hers tomorrow for Tracey leaving so I may nip down there. Dunno. What's kind of nice about knowing less people is that there is no pressure to go out - I can do nothing if I so desire. I might just do that...

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