Friday, October 05, 2001

I was wandering round HUM records earlier, prior to heading to pick up new contact lenses. I thought I'd just have a quick peek in case they threw some questions about music at the Border's open day. You never know - they did that when I had my HMV interview in 1994!! Anyway, I stumbled across a new Way Out West album and having given it the once over went to the listening posts to see if it was on there. I've actually no idea if it was or not because, at the top of the listening posts, glistening in its shiny spangly cover, was this. Oh, bugger - I can't link to it as it's too new!! No cover art or anything. Go here, go to the News section and scroll down to the bottom left. I think that will put you in the picture. Suffices to say I skipped gaily to the counter and paid my scarce dollars. It's fantastic. Like having the Vauxhall condensed down into one lovely double CD. Fantastic!! Oh, and according to the site they'll tell you how to get hold of it soon. I can get it now, if you're interested!!

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